Connect Group Timelines
Timelines are essential to successful Connect Group Sessions. Click below for detailed timelines
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Connect Group Timelines
Timeline Activity Descriptions
Rally Day Planning
Begin planning for Rally Day. This includes:
- Establish Ambassadors to work Rally Day
- Collaborate on any creative elements/decorations with Creative Director (As needed)
- Ensure Set Team has any "special" needs like Connect Group Rally Roll Up Sign
Leader Video Recorded
A testimony video of a current or former Connect Group leader of choice that discusses the impact leading a Connect Group has had on their lives. This will require working with the Videographer and scheduling this time, getting previous leader committed to record, and providing videographer as list of questions.
Leader Video Published
(Milestone Activity)
(Milestone Activity)
The Connect Group Leader testimony video is Published for Services and Social Media pushes in order to encourage people to lead a Connect Group for the upcoming session.
Solicit Leaders
This is an ongoing activity to solicit new and returning Connect Groups leaders to sign up for the upcoming session. This activity will continue to ramp up until the Connect Group Leader submission deadline.
Attendee Testimony Video Recorded
A testimony video of a current or former Connect Group attendee of choice that discusses the impact that attending a Connect Group has had on their lives. This will require working with the Videographer and scheduling this time, getting previous attendee committed to record, and providing videographer as list of questions.
New Leader Interest Meeting
(Milestone Activity)
(Milestone Activity)
This is a meeting that is held for people that have never led a connect group before. The curriculum for this meeting is the Connect Group Leader Guide. Walk through this guide which explains what being a Connect Group Leader is and what the prerequisites are.
Leader Submission Deadline
(Milestone Activity)
(Milestone Activity)
This is the date that submissions for any connect group leader are due. These submissions will come from the CHR Website and will be either New or Returning leaders.
Group Review and Welcome Email
Review the Connect Group Submissions for Content, Spelling, Dates, etc. Once all is reviewed send a welcome email to the leader that thanks them for leading and why it is important. This email should also include an invitation to attend the Pre-Rally meeting with date/time and the Connect Group Leader Guide. This email should also remind the leader of the 24 hour sign up contact and all of the required email elements to send to participants.
Attendee Testimony Video Published
(Milestone Activity)
(Milestone Activity)
The Connect Group Attendee testimony video is Published for Services and Social Media pushes in order to encourage people to join a Connect Group for the upcoming session.
Groups to Webmaster
Send all Groups to the Webmaster to be added to the Website. These should be final submissions and should have grammar and spelling checked before sending.
Test Emails from Website
Ensure that the Webmaster sends test emails to all leaders and that the leaders have received the emails. Ensure that all leaders check spam/junk email folders and confirm receipt of the email.
Pre-Rally Meeting
(Milestone Activity)
(Milestone Activity)
Meeting with all Connect Group Leaders for the session to discuss the groups for each person and to pray over each group. Use this as an opportunity to provide any additional information needed and encourage one another as the church enters into the connect group season.
Connect Groups Live Online
(Milestone Activity)
(Milestone Activity)
Connect Groups are published online – push this through any and all means necessary.
Community Day Commitments
Receive the day that each group will serve at Community Day and send this information over to the Missions Director
Rally Day
(Milestone Activity)
(Milestone Activity)
Connect Groups Launch! Execute the Rally Day Plan
Post-Rally Day
Follow up and touch base with Connect Group Leaders on attendance and numbers and provide to Campus Pastor