The Win
Create a comfortable environment for guests by welcoming them and offering assistance to make engaging with the service both easy and distraction-free.
Reports To
First Impressions Coordinator
General Guidelines
- Lead by example: maintain a strong presence in church, attending a minimum of three (3) Sundays per month
- Trust God with your money by tithing
- Maintain presence in Connect Groups / Lead Connect Groups.
- Attend weekday Prayer/Worship events
- Remain in regular contact/communication with the First ImpressionsCoordinator to update teams as necessary
- Provide feedback on opportunities where we can strive to provide better service to our team or our guests.
Essential Duties and Guidelines
- Be familiar with the building and special events at church. Before the service, check out the CHR Website connect and ministry pages
for any information on current and upcoming classes, connect groups and events. - Train new team members in your area. Clearly communicate expectations and specifics of the role.
- Follow these steps when you’re training a new team member:
• I do it. You watch. • You do it. I watch.
• We do it together. • You do it. - Maintain contact with your team via email, phone call, texts, handwritten notes, etc. Building
relationships helps each member feel needed and known. - Arrive in time to participate in the Dream Team Rally that begins 9:30 Sunday mornings.
- Usher Team members should wear the provided ministry lanyard at all times and utilize flashlights when needed prior to the message.
- Part of creating a comfortable environment is being easily recognizable to our guests.
- Connect with your Head Usher after checking in. They will assign you to a particular area and communicate any details specific to the weekend.
- Be proactive! Actively look for guests to assist and politely inform them that you have seats for them.
- Maintain positive body language (keep your back to the stage to welcome guests entering the rear or side doors, smile, make eye contact, and stand with good posture).
- Utilize the time between worship and the message to count the number of attenders and input that number into the Church Metrics application.
- At the end of the service, move quietly to the back of the auditorium to participate in identifying and celebrating salvations and helping guests as they exit the auditorium.
- Reset the chairs in preparation for the next service. (The following Sunday Service or the next Wednesday night Encounter Service)
- Refrain from eating, drinking, or using your phone while serving.
- If you will miss your opportunity to serve, please inform your Coordinator.
- Sign membership covenant form
- Have attended CHR for at least six (6) months
- Be able to serve for at least (one) 1 year once in position
- Completed or plan to complete Foundations within one (1) year of taking the position
- No public alcohol consumption, to include social media posts